Friday, July 08, 2005


Ok, it is not "news" really. Ethan has join us for more than one year now. :-) He is such a cute and active little boy that sometimes you even forget that he is only one year old. ;-)

When you look back, the past one year passed so fast, sometime I even forget how it was gone and how Ethan grows up to be such a strong little one.

My mom was an elementary school teacher. She always refers children to "little friends" instead of "kids" to have a more respectable term. In certain degree, it is very true. Kids are the little friends that join us in our life journal, they let you see the miracle of life and you also learn a lot from them. They do not "belong" to you. Instead they keep you company in your life journal, make your life rich and you will keep learning from each other for the coming years. Even though I suffered a lot during pregnancy, I still have to say that he is the best thing that ever happens to me!

Mom loves you! Ethan!


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